Archive | July, 2012

Readers Work Out – The BIKE Is Back!

10 Jul


My week in work outs!

I didn’t get a whole lot done but I did get in a 32 mile bike ride last Saturday and then on Sunday my friend Amy and I biked the 50 mile bike tour for the Tour Of Saints bike ride.  Both rides were gorgeous and I hope to squeeze in another ride on Wednesday, then I am gone for the weekend.

However – Sunday I am doing the Color Run with my son Justin and I am soooo excited!!!!

Thanks Joy for hosting this awesome meme! 

Readers Workout for June 3 – Let’s Kick it!!!

3 Jul

Hey!  Where have you been?  Oh, that’s right – it is me who has been missing.  🙂  Our weather has been so bad, and I have been in well.. such a funk that really I had nothing to report. 

Until now.

Thanks to a persistent friend of mine (we all need them) who wanted to get in shape quickly for a big event coming up, she and I went on a cleanse 7 days ago.  I have to tell you, when I started this last Tuesday I had no intention of following it to a T.  I went in thinking I would occasionally have a diet pop, and if it was hot outside I was having my Skinny Cow ice cream cone.

And day 1 I did have a few sips of pop, and day 2 I did have a Skinny Cow ice cream cone and then…

I got serious.

I thought if I am going to do this…. I am going to do it right and really see what can happen during a 21 day fast.  Now, before you shout “21 DAYS???? GAH!  No way!”  Let me tell you, it really isn’t that bad.

The first 10 days you can have all the vegies you want and all the fruit but you should keep the fruit to half of the vegies.  You can have protein shakes, a half cup of brown rice a day and you can use olive oil so you can saute vegies, even stir fry your rice and add tons of vegies, of and you can have one egg a day.  No canned – all fresh.  After 10 days you can add in chicken and fish for the last part.

In the past 7 days I have made my first beets from scratch – delicious.  I have made sweet potato chips (WOW) and really overall have come to appreciate fresh foods.

I havent really missed the meat, but I have missed my coffee.  😀

In the days to come I will post some of the recipes I have been using and what I have been eating overall.  I did not weigh myself before going into this but I know I have lost inches.  I feel better and my clothes fit better.

I will add in a little chicken and fish after the 10 days but I don’t think every day.  Actually I am doing pretty well without.  I have broken my habit of snacking on chips and junk food at night, and no longer crave fast food either.   I think in part, this can be a lifestyle change for me where I continue this throughout the days I do have eating commitments. 

Have you ever tried a cleanse?

IN work out news, I biked 18 miles last week, first time the bike has been out in a while.  I have a 50 mike ride coming up this Sunday.


Thanks Joy for keeping me posting 🙂