Archive | April, 2012

I Have Become A HUGE Fan Of The Avocado

25 Apr

This is a fairly new development.  I have found myself drawn to the avocado this past month or so.  Now avocado is not something that previously was a produce staple in my cart… honestly – I really didnt know what to do with it… other than the fact that I LOVE it as a dip…

I ignored it.

It was last summer when we were camping with friends my friend Amy brought a couple avocado’s with her and I watched her toss them not only into a mouth-watering dip, but also on sandwiches and with cottage cheese (more on that in a minute).

I don’t know what set me on the avocado adventure, but I bought a couple… mixed it with cottage cheese (3/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 avocado) and YUM.

Now that I am reading up on the mysteries of the avocado I am seeing that they are known as the worlds healthiest fruit, packed with Vitamin C, Br, and K, potassium, fiber, and copper.  Do not be frightened off by the calories.  A regular size avocado packs around 250 calories, however I find it filling.

**Note that home made avocado dip is way better for you than store bought which has a lot of fillers and artificial coloring.

Heart healthy, this is a fruit not to be ignored.  You can enjoy it in slices on sandwiches and in meals (mmmm try chicken and avocado!)  Here is a great source for more information.

Do you love avocado?  If so how do you use it?  I am anxious for more ideas!  😀

Body Works and Biking

17 Apr

Happy Tuesday Team Kickin It People!  I am so sorry I have been so absent as of late.   (I seriously do not know how people maintain more than one blog, between life and Book Journey, this site has been neglected and I hope to amend that now.

So whats been happening since my last check in?  I have been biking and trying to get to Group Power (weight lifting) three times a week.  Currently I have 78 miles in on the bike for the year.  I was hoping to reach over 100 before this post, but the weather has not cooperated…

Rain… storms….. and yesterday…. SNOW.  😯

I have been trying to give myself an extra push and try new things and this afternoon I am going to go to a Yoga mix class and possibly (POSSIBLY) stay after and do the Group Cycle class which scares me.  I do not like stationary bikes, which is all the more reason I want to master it. 

I have been working harder by using My Fitness Pal (which I highly recommend!) and have two girls in the office now using it with me too.  Its actually a great learning tool to know how much damage those little “treats” that we think dont add up can do to us…. like Jelly Beans (11 calories each!), and dont even get me started on chocolate chips.

Finally last week at out local YMCA started the Bodyworks 6 week challenge.  You pay $10 and get a worksheet to give yourself points for cardio, water drinking, strength training, vegies and fruit, and a bonus point a day for no junk food.  They have big charts to record your weekly points and they give away prizes.

My goals this week is to get to that 100 mile + on the bike.  I want to get in the habit of at least working out an hour 5 days a week.  Continue to eat well and work on seeing results. 

I challenge YOU to try something new… a new class, a new way of working it… either by walking, dancing, biking, roller blading, I dont care – just do it 😀  AND then…. tell me what you did 😀

Joy at Joy’s Book Blog is organizing this weekly meme to show what we as readers do to stay fit… stop over and cheer her on!  😀