Mid Month Check In – What Are You Doing To Shake That Work OUt Up?

15 Feb


Here we are mid February already… a little over two weeks into our first month of the 12K Challenge.  For those participating I would be interested in hearing how you are doing.  Have you hit the challenge goals for this month?  Are you working towards it? 

Stay strong… remember each months goal will increase by a little bit but you will be stronger and healthier for it.  Remember – those of you who are signed up for the challenge did so for a reason… you wanted to challenge yourself, you wanted to be fitter, or stronger, or healthier… or all of the above. 😀

So…. what are we waiting for?

Today I wanted to post about shaking up the work out.  It is hard to get up every morning and do the same thing over and over again.  Not only does it become routine for you – it becomes routine for your body.  This means your body will sort of level  out and you will not be seeing the results you want to on the scale or in the mirror.

This is why it is fun to shake things up in a way that shakes up your work out routine puts a jump start back on your goals and if you do it right… can also be a lot of fun!

I personally have found myself enjoying events that are around the state I live in, fun to participate in and a great way to hang out with friends and make new ones as well. The next one on my calendar is The Get Lucky.  It is a 7k run on March 16th.  Today, looking out the window at all the snow its hard to think I will be doing a 7K in a months time… 😛

But  – here’s the kicker.  By putting an event like that on my calendar, I will train for it.  Knowing that is coming up will motivate me to go to the gym.  I have been doing events like these for a couple of years not and they are super fun… and super addicting. 😀

You probably have events such as this in your area of the world.  Google your state and add the word(s) 5k or mud run or cycling.  Check out the chamber of commerce websites for cities near you.  One website to check out would be Active.com, which lists physical events around the world.  Ortho.com is mainly Minnesota and Chicago but has some fun events as well.

Please share any events that you have participated in or plan to participate in.  😀

6 Responses to “Mid Month Check In – What Are You Doing To Shake That Work OUt Up?”

  1. Vicki February 15, 2013 at 7:11 pm #

    It’s funny that you posted about shaking things up and not getting into a routine rut. Yesterday I decided to dig out all my workout dvd’s and make a plan to do something different everyday so that I would get bored, which for me leads to having to struggle to make myself workout.

    I’ve done a few Relay For Life’s and a Mother’s Day 5k. I wanted to do a Mud Run with my DIL this month but my knee was giving me to much pain. I plan on doing another 5K with my daughter later this year, and want to do a bike ride as soon as I find one in my area.

  2. heather February 15, 2013 at 9:47 pm #

    I’m doing a 5K on Sunday.

  3. Alyce (@AtHomeWithBooks) February 17, 2013 at 5:55 am #

    Well, I haven’t had any time to work out, and we’ll be dismantling the treadmill soon in order to put it into storage before the move. On the plus side, I think I’m getting more exercise packing up the house than I have in a while. So no running or walking long distances, but lots of lifting, packing and scrubbing over here.

  4. Leeswammes February 17, 2013 at 5:29 pm #

    No event for me just yet – but I try and do my walking regularly. I didn’t make a schedule last week and hence didn’t walk as much as the week before. But on Wednesday, a friend walked over with her dog, had a cup of tea at my house, then I walked home with her, borrowed a book, and walked back to my own house. That is a fun way to get some exercise!

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